Vi är stolta över att kunna presentera vår nya identitet och hemsida för speljätten och stigande stjärnan i den svenska spelscenen - The Gang. Med över 200 anställda och ett av de snabbast växande företagen i Sverige just nu har The Gang revolutionerat hur stora företag ses och marknadsför sig inom Metaverse. Gänget har Gucci, Vans och Fifa bland sina kunder, för att bara nämna några. Kolla in vårt fall och besök webbplatsen nedan.
I maj säkrade Sana (Sana Labs) ytterligare 28 miljoner dollar. Värderingen höjs samtidigt från 2 till 2,5 miljarder kronor. Vi har arbetat med Sana sedan starten och vi är alltid lika glada och stolta när det går bra för våra kunder. Just nu uppdaterar vi aktivt med ett nytt webbdesign- och designsystem. Fallet kommer snart. Grattis, Joel!
Vi är stolta över att kunna presentera den senaste milstolpen som uppnåtts av vår kund, Froda. Med vårt stöd i skapandet av deras varumärkesidentitet och hemsida har de framgångsrikt säkrat en betydande investering i sin senaste finansieringsrunda och katapulterat deras värdering till imponerande 1,7 miljarder kronor. Grattis till Froda till denna anmärkningsvärda prestation, och vi ser fram emot att bevittna deras fortsatta tillväxt och framgång.
Vi är mycket glada över att presenteras i DesignRushs bästa designtrender bland de bästa plantvårdsappdesignerna därut.
Mynt is a comprehensive solution for the company's expenses, with company cards linked to the accounting and interest-free credit. We created their new Brand Identity that was released yesterday.
PlayReplay made its debut by attempting its first tournament - SALK open. Case is coming soon
We are very happy that our web design for Planta got featured on Siteinspire today
Froda has released a nice set of campaign films. Check them out on YouTube. We created the brand identity.
IRnova is outclassing existing infrared technologies with their detector. We created a new identity to mathc their innovative product – spanning everything from precise document layouts to advanced motion assets.
The Swedish company Open Payments has built an open platform where companies can connect with banks and other financial players for better and more secure transactions. Read about them in DI or on our case page to see how we helped Open Payments build their brand identity and web site.
Financial legend Sven Hagströmer's investment company Creades joins mortgage challenger Stabelo. "The market for mortgages is gigantic," says Creade's CEO John Hedberg. Read more about Stabelo in the Breakit article and check out the case page to see how we helped them.
The Swedish app Planta is taking root in a large number of new markets in the world - but intends to continue to grow without fertiliser from external financiers. With 21 million species in its database, the business, which is expected to reach 100 million in turnover this year, is flourishing. Read article in DI and check out our case.
Medoma wants to care for patients at home and will, among other things, develop its own software for patient monitoring. Sven Hagströmer, Josefin Landgård and Sophia Bendz are some of the investors who have invested in the company. Read article on Breakit and check out our case page.
They bought a dilapidated farm with a vision: to grow environmentally smart fish on land in Swedish agriculture. Now the "strange fish guys" behind the company Gårdsfisk will take up the fight with the Norwegians. Is this how Sweden becomes the greatest on farmed fish? Nice article in DN about our client Gårdsfisk. We have developed their brand identity and packaging design.
A British artificial intelligence (AI) start-up which helps companies make complex supply chains work more efficiently by reducing their reliance on email communications is raising millions of pounds to fund its expansion. DeepStream's brand identity and web site, developed by us.
Visa has announced plans to acquire Tink for €1.8 billion, or $2.15 billion at today’s exchange rate. Tink has been a leading fintech startup in Europe focused on open banking application programming interfaces. We created the brand identity a couple of years back. Congratulations Tink!
We are working with Epidemic Sound. At E&W, we are long-time fans of their service, making this collaboration especially fun for us!
For some time now, we have worked with creating conceptual design and motion for Doors. We are now happy to announce that they are going live!
We started working with Trustly back in 2014. Since then Trustly has been one of our most loyal clients. Today Trustly is valued at SEK 80 billion (💥), which makes us proud and happy!
We created Lysa’s new brand identity almost two years ago, and we are continuously working on making new brand assets. Lysa has grown by 900% and just passed SEK 10 billion in assets under management.
A logistics service for small businesses is Fredrik Edeland's successful venture, which is now exported. In connection with this, his Sendify raises 5.3 million euros in new capital. "The need for what we do is everywhere," he says. We have developed the brand identity, web site and motion for Sendify.
The Polestar Precept Concept use Bcomp’s flax-based composites for interior panels and seatbacks offer significant improvements over conventional materials, including up to 50% saving in weight and up to 80% reduction of plastic waste. We helped Bcomp with conceptualizing and presenting their products at events.
Congrats Hedvig to 3 fantastic films! We contributed to creating the brand identity.
Mindler is a digital health care provider, offering psychological treatment and personalised CBT exercises without lengthy waiting times and high costs to thousands of users since 2018. We are really proud to have designed their recently updated app and brand identity, helping Mindler continue their valuable work. The full case study is coming soon.
With a vision of digitizing the restaurant industry, the startup Leeroy has in the past year landed customers such as Holy Greens, Pizza Hut and the café chain Waynes Coffee. Check out the article in Breakit or our case page to see how we helped Leeroy create the brand identity and app design.
We’re really proud and excited that the new design we’ve been working on together with Tele2 is finally live.
Wired publicerade nyligen en lista över de hetaste startups i Stockholm, som en del av sin lista över Europas 100 bästa startups. Tre av företagen på listan är fantastiska vänner och kunder till oss. Vi har skapat varumärkesidentiteter och digital design för Sana Labs, Hedvig och Anyfin. Vi är superstolta över alla tre och verkligen glada över vad som väntar.
Look at this amazing campaign Acne and Swiss put together for our client Anyfin. Check out full campaign. Brand Identity developed by us!
We are proud and excited to announce that we’re working together with Comviq to create a new digital experience on their web.
This is a story about one of the best clients in the world. E&W was founded in June 2010. Two weeks after the agency was founded, Jacob de Geer called us and told us about an idea he had that would make it possible for everyone with a smartphone to take card payments. iZettle was born! Since then we have provided iZettle with Branding, Product Design, Packaging, Digital Design, Expo, Campaigns and Films. Today PayPal bought iZettle for $2.2bn. Good luck iZettle / Zettle by Paypal and thank you for everything!